Saturday, January 28, 2023

An In-The-Trenches Sociological Experience

I've always said that a powerful combination occurs with in-the-trenches direct experience and formal education. As a sociologist, my sociology training has honed and fine tuned many areas of my natural abilities into expertise when it comes to investigations and identifying serious social issues. Serious social issues include, but are not limited to:

  • Power imbalances
  • Corruption in organizations who continue to practice:
    • overt, modern-day oppression
    • bias 
    • coersive control 
These overt systematic and deep seeded cultural practices in Institutions are focused on marginalized people, particularly Indigenous people (as occurs in my investigative case).

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Stigmatization Series: Stigma Power Motivations

Stigma Power is a hidden agenda with a strategic end goal.  Stigma Power Motivations  stem from a group of people who want to keep others co...